Our Blog
Part 2 Getting to the Heart of the Matter

For every comment I had been putting up, 4 or 5 popped up in return. someone has far too much time on their hands.. So I went on their main page on Facebook to see if anything was on there too. This is a company who’s lives I’ve watched fairly frequently, the man who is objecting to me is the self styled Crystal Overlord, the company like to portray themselves as having excellent morals and ethics, whilst reassuring their audience that only by buying with them will they be guaranteed to know their crystals are ethically procured. Our argument about the water bottle wasn’t there, but what was there this company that make a big deal of their pristine ethics whilst questioning other companies were asking their followers if they should buy this huge, beautiful aquamarine they had been offered. They had uploaded video from a middleman in Pakistan and were asking potential buyers to vote on whether the company should buy it. I recognised this aquamarine as one offered to me 2 months ago by a seller in Pakistan, a middleman known on all the forums to be disreputable, so disreputable that I keep communication open with him, just so I know what he’s up to. With me has used another UK sellers website (not this company ) to try to validate himself to me saying he was part of that business, I didn’t know that company at the time, but after he made that claim, I made myself known to them. They knew him in the same way I knew him, he had nothing to do with their company. I’ve heard the Crystal Overlord numerous times talk about buying from Pakistan, something they were refusing to do because one could easily end up giving money to the Taliban, especially by using middlemen. So I’m amazed that this seller from Pakistan is so obviously a fraud and their ethics so impeccable that they would show any of his crystals to their followers. Maybe they don’t practice what they preach methinks
Whilst I was on the Facebook page, another 4 or 5 replies have been added to instagram, man how this guy can type. Before now he has even put up podcasts on his social media how they never buy from Pakistan because you may be giving funds to the Taliban. He also makes much of the fact that they never, ever use middlemen because it’s only in going direct to the mine that you can have any certainty about the mining and working conditions. It’s true you have more certainty going direct to the mine.
So I asked him on Instagram about the Aquamarine and told him what I knew about the seller I didn’t repeat his words about what he’d written and said about buying from Pakistan. The responses started coming even quicker…and I’m so dumb with social media, they seemed to be branching out everywhere, like a tree his first approach was to say I couldn’t defend myself regarding healing so I was dodging the questions, then he said he’d never claimed to run an ethical company, eh really Then he thought it good to point out to me the Taliban was in Afghanistan, Alison not Pakistan, like I’m a small child not knowing my current affairs. Because I’m so bad with social media and these replies are here there and everywhere, I’m screenshooting these as they’re coming up so I can remember what I’m replying to, I don’t have baby brain, I have worse, I have menopausal Mummy brain, that’s the ability to forget what you were talking about half way through a sentence and have absolutely zero chance of knowing what you were speaking about. Whilst all these messages are landing on instagram, he starts PM me saying he was bored with the conversation not knowing social media niceties I said stop replying then, I’m not going to talk to myself.
Then a private message demanding to reveal where I buy my stock ( not done even between friends, we take years to build up contacts ) that then gets taken down after a few minutes, he deletes it as I’m messaging to tell him how inappropriate his message is. So I’m being hit on 2 fronts, I feel like I’m in a tsunami and it’s only 10 o’clock. All the pets and kids are lucky to have been fed.
He didn’t stop, he carried on and on, from PM to instagram. He been through my shop inventory. Saw I carried items from Indonesia, pointed out they have a bad mining record. They do, that’s why I’ve triple checked the smaller mine I use, thats why it took me ages to build this contact, that’s why I know someone living there, that’s why I know how they’re inspected and their inspection record is good. They mine the rocks themselves, they don’t use children, I have done my best, watching videos of them work, getting know everyone. But, it is a concern that there are children being used in this industry in Indonesia and not just being used for mining but for farming too. I’m well aware so what we do as a company is we sponsor children to get an education, not just in Indonesia but in other countries. I put this on Instagram. I knew he was going to treat me as if I was lying, I knew he wouldn’t take what I said at face value. So while he’s pouring vitriol all over what I’d said, I told him the name of the charity. Apparently it was the first one that came up when he typed it in Google, so obviously, that’s what I must’ve done too Then more incendiary comments, it’s Catholic ( it’s not actually, it’s Christian and I’ve sponsored children with them all of my adult life ) the fact it’s linked to a church made for some more choice comments. I choose it years ago because I knew other people who were sponsoring children. He still wouldn’t believe, thought I was just blowing hot air, he wanted my sponsorship number and details posting on instagram, I’m not putting personal details on Instagram. So I sent him a photo of my paperwork confirming I did indeed sponsor children. Still I got some choice comments but the instagram thread got deleted now I’d given him proof. No problem, no one was going to read it, it was the size of a telephone book and I felt I’d done rather well defending my belief in crystals and crystal sellers.
Phew, At least that’s over…then he rings me I took the call. I’d had a discussion, I hadn’t got heated or nasty I was calm on the phone. But I wondered what now. But, he wanted to explain why he’d taken such a broad swipe at me. The reason, was because of those healers who do exploit people, who aren’t professional enough to do a questionnaire about their clients health if they are performing healing. To make sure the client knows that healing is a complimentary therapy and they must not stop taking conventional medication. I think most of us agree that we detest that kind of ‘healer’ too. It gives every person who works with love and generosity of spirit a bad name. That kind of healer has absolutely no bearing on crystal sellers who believe in crystal healing and want to spread a little help, hope and joy around.
After all that time, did we agree? We seemed too. I think we always did but Instagram in this instance was his platform to voice his almost hate of healers. I don’t think it was ever aimed at my type of healer. I think it was meant to stand on instagram as an example of his swatting away a crystal healing seller with his use of long words and even longer sentences and endless amounts of time, whilst making me, the healer in question look stupid. But you know what they say about clever people? They never credit others with the same or more intelligence.
And for all the menopausal women out there or anyone out there who manages to walk into a room and forget why the hell they’re there, this one was for you.