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Large Lodolite Quartz Lens Brazilian Pebble AAA+ : Growth 25 106g


Beautiful Brazilian Lodolite quartz lens weighing 106g and measuring 60:38:35mm lovely mossy patterns. Lovely tactile size to hold. Each one looks like a little world. Garden Quartz, also known as Lodolite, Lodalite, Lodelite, and Inclusion Quartz, is a variety of Quartz with inclusions of Chloride, Iron, and other trace minerals. The color can range to just about anything, depending on what trace minerals are inside and how transparent the Quartz crystal is. Its most commonly found in mossy green, pink, black, brown, or grey. This mineral can only be found in the Minas Geras region of Brazil and is extremely sought after by collectors and spiritual practitioners Meaning & Energy Garden Quartz houses ancient knowledge within and serves as a tool to connect to our past lives. These previous experiences contain knowledge and lessons of ourselves that can be used to grow in the present. The Quartz amplifies the grounding elements within and aids in the expansion of your consciousness, allowing your soul to ascend through deep meditation work. This process assists you in reimagining who you are, and the path which you are currently on. Many internal questions will begin to arise about your current ambitions being genuine and authentic for your soul's desires. These past-life recall experiences will provide much-needed clarity about your soul's previous quests here on Earth. PHANTOM QUARTZ PUSH THE LIMITS GROWTH • TRANSFORMATION • EVOLUTION A majestic and mysterious variation of Clear Quartz, a big-time energy cleanser, Phantom Quartz gets its powerful healing vibes from rare and unique formations created from interruptions in their growth. The blockages help create concentrated mineral deposits, which form in distinctive ghost-like shapes within the crystal. These dreamy phantoms all have their own story, bringing messages of wisdom and truth that the Phantom Quartz crystal meaning has gained over the millennia. PHANTOM QUARTZ MEANING & HEALING PROPERTIES In crystal healing, the Phantom Quartz meaning harnesses the healing vibrations found deep within the earth, giving it profound powers of insight and spiritual inspiration. If the Phantom Quartz crystal has captivated you with its alluring vibes and dramatic aesthetic, it could be a sign that you need help getting out of a rut in your life. When you meditate with the Phantom Quartz meaning, it works like a natural antidepressant but without any side effects. Everyone’s meditation practice is different, just as there is no right or wrong crystal to use. Any kind of energy work relies on your natural powers of intuition, so you can rest assured that you’ll always pick the right crystal you need in your life at that particular moment. In other words, the crystal picks you and not the other way around.