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Black Amethyst Geode Cluster Brazilian AAA+ 9


Brazilian Black Amethyst cluster geode weighing 471g and measuring 97:90:42mm Black Amethyst is a natural stress reliever and emanates peaceful and calming energy. Because of the higher content of iron, Black Amethyst also helps to ground and protect you. Black Amethyst stimulates the Crown Chakra, but also strengthens the Root Chakra. It was an incredibly dark purple stone, almost black in colour with light reflecting off it like a rainbow. I had to know more about this mysterious gemstone and soon learned that it is called Black Amethyst. So what exactly is Black Amethyst? In the most basic terms, it can be defined as a type of quartz that is coloured by iron oxide impurities in its composition. This gives it a deep, intense color unlike any other amethysts you may find on the market today. Its hue ranges from being almost black to having shades of deep purples and blues depending on how much light reflects off of it. The meaning behind Black Amethyst has been associated with many things throughout history. Ancient Greeks believed that wearing or carrying the stone could protect them from harm and provide courage during difficult times. It's also thought to bring clarity, spirituality, balance between your physical body and emotional state, while still providing protection against negative energy. Black Amethyst is an amazing gemstone that not only looks beautiful but provides many benefits when used correctly. Whether you choose to wear it as jewelry or place it around your home decor for some extra vibes - you won't regret adding this powerful piece into your collection! Occurrence And Sources Black Amethyst is a rare and unique gemstone that occurs naturally in nature. It can be found in several natural sources, including mining sites, geological formations, metaphysical deposits and cavities of rocks. Its occurrence often depends on the source from which it has been mined or acquired. Here are some of its major sources: Mining Sites - Black Amethyst can be found at various mining sites around the world. These locations are known for their abundance of black amethysts with remarkable clarity and quality. The most popular mining locations include Brazil, Bolivia, India and Uruguay. Geological Formations - Although not as common as other forms of quartz crystals like rose quartz or clear quartz, black amethyst can also occur within certain geological formations such as marble deposits and metamorphic rock structures. This type of formation allows them to grow into large clusters that contain multiple specimens of high-grade amethyst gemstones. Metaphysical Sources - In addition to being mined from natural geological environments, black amethyst can also be found in metaphysical sources such as crystal healing shops and spiritual stores across the globe. These stones have powerful energies associated with them which makes them ideal for use in meditation practices or spiritual ceremonies. No matter where they come from, all types of black amethyst share similar characteristics when it comes to physical appearance and metaphysical properties alike. They possess an exquisite dark coloration combined with striking clarity and energy that make them highly sought after by both collectors and healers alike! History And Mythology Black amethyst has a storied history and is surrounded by many myths. It was used in ancient times for its healing properties, ranging from spiritual protection to physical wellbeing. This gemstone's origin stories vary depending on the culture that tells them. For instance, some people believe it was created when Poseidon struck his trident into the Earth and Zeus filled the resulting hole with amethyst crystals. Other cultures have different versions of this story, but they all share one common theme: black amethyst was believed to provide strength and guidance during difficult times. The mythology surrounding black amethyst also involved special powers - such as protection against evil spirits or bad luck - attributed to the stone itself or those who possessed it. Ancient beliefs held that wearing pieces of black amethyst could bring about good fortune in business matters, enhance fertility, and attract love. Many cultures also associated this crystal with higher levels of consciousness and meditation practices due to its calming effects on emotions and vibrational energy frequencies. In modern times, black amethysts are still prized for their beauty and cultural significance; however, their historical usage varies greatly between countries and eras. In some parts of Asia, these stones were thought to be particularly effective at warding off misfortune while Chinese mystics saw them as a source of wisdom. Similarly, Europeans believed that carrying small bags containing powdered black amethysts helped protect travelers against danger and harm while North American tribes often incorporated them into rituals involving cleansing ceremonies meant to restore balance within communities. Today, many people continue to use black amethysts for their metaphysical properties as well as adornment purposes – either alone or combined with other precious stones like diamonds or rubies in jewellery designs. Smoky Quartz Properties and Meanings Smoky quartz is a form of quartz, one of the most common and popular crystals in nature. While traditional quartz has a clear or whitish cloudy colour, smoky quartz has a grey colour. Some types of smoky quartz are very clear, while others are almost opaque, and some pieces are nearly black. Quartz is the second most common mineral on Earth, after feldspar (the raw material used in glass, ceramics, plastics, paints, rubbers, and practically everything else you can imagine). About twenty percent of the Earth’s crust is made up of quartz! Quartz comes in a huge variety of colours, and smoky quartz is probably the third most recognizable mineral that bears the name, after clear quartz and rose quartz. It is made mainly of silicone dioxide, which is the main component in sand (quartz crystals are basically huge grains of sand). The distinctive dark colour of smoky quartz comes from free silicone deposits in it. The depth and consistency of the crystal’s colour depends on the quantity of free silicone in it. When it is extremely dark and almost opaque, it is called morion (which is also the name for smoky quartz in both German and Spanish). Smoky quartz is found all over the world, yet it does not enjoy the cultural prestige that many crystals, even its own sister clear quartz, have gained over the centuries. Historically, its uses have been quite practical – the first sunglasses were invented in twelfth century China, and used pieces of smoky quartz for lenses! It is also a popular stone in jewellery, including traditional Scottish kilt pins and ceremonial knives. Just like Selenite, it is a highly grounding stone, ruling the root chakra, and improving its user’s connection with the physical world. This is no surprise, given that this mineral makes up so much of the earth’s crust.