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Que Sera / Llanite Crystal Bracelet AAA+ 4mm
Que Sera / Llanite Crystal 4mm bracelet . The listing is for one. What’s lovely about these bracelets is you can wear your favourite crystal and mix and match with other crystals. Our bracelets are made for us by an ethical factory we have existing connections with. We spend a great deal of time and effort researching where to buy our stock from. We’re delighted to have these for our store. The extraordinary Que-Sera Stone is perhaps the most uplifting talisman to be unearthed in modern history. For the metaphysical world, it has it all, does it all, and is a stone for all…a glorious synergistic amalgamation of minerals with very high, yet very earthy vibrations rolled together in stunning form. Blending the healing energies of Quartz, Feldspar, Calcite, Kaolinite, Iron, Magnetite, Leucozene and Clinozoisite, Que-Sera soothes, energizes, rebalances and restores. It generates an uninterruptible power supply for the system, drawing in dynamic Life Force energies from the higher planes of existence to optimize health and manifest maximum well-being. Merely holding this stone lights up every cell in the body, and allows one to store this energy for one’s mental, physical, psychic, and spiritual needs