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Chrysoprase Massage Wand AAA+ : Divine / Forgiveness / Compassion 14
Chrysoprase crystal massage wand weighing 85g Approx and measuring 100mm by 25mm by 25mm . Lovely apple green colour to this Indonesian chrysoprase.
Healing Stone for the Sacral and Heart Chakras
Divinity / Forgiveness / Compassion
Chrysoprase imparts a sense of being a part of a divine whole. It can induce deep meditative states. Said by the ancients yo promote the love of truth, it also promotes hope and gives personal insights. It draws our personal talent and creativity. It encourages fidelity and energies the heart and sacral chakra.
It?s a non egotistical stone, creating an openness and overcomes compulsive or impulsive thoughts and actions. It opposes the judgemental and stimulates acceptance of others. Useful for forgiveness and compassion.
Mentally it gives dexterity and fluency. Emotionally it brings security and trust. Physically it is a strong detoxifier.